Science Expo


For the Science Expo, I presented Ross. I learned a lot about her. I learned things like she was the first Native American female aerospace engineer. I also learned that she was depicted on the 2019 Native American one-dollar coin. I thought that was very inspiring. Another thing I learned was that she lived to be 99 years old. I believe it was only three more months until her next birthday. It was a very fun experience but sort of scary giving the presentation to lots of random people. I really felt like her mostly because of the hair but also because the outfit was perfectly matching hers in a picture.


I think I did very well on the project. I think I learned as much as I could. I was surprised at how many amazing things she did. I found it very satisfying and fun to create the poster board because it came out very pretty. I also found it satisfying to dress up as her because I really liked the costume and it was fun to try something new.  I think I participated very well because it was something that I liked doing. If I could’ve done something differently I would’ve spoken a bit louder. My three questions are, how long did it take her to design the P-38 LIGHTNING? How many tries did it take her to finish the submarines? And what was her motivation to be a rocket scientist?

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